터미널에서 공컨테이너를 픽업하지 않고 수입 컨테이너를 수출에 사용할 수 있습니까?
예, 가능합니다. 그러나 현지 허가에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 현지 Maersk 고객 서비스 담당자에게 문의하시면 도움받으실 수 있습니다.
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관련 FAQ
Can I ship dangerous cargo in a dry container? What is the temperature range of a reefer container? What are the maximum cargo dimensions that can be loaded on to a flatrack? Can I purchase a container from Maersk? What are the D&D (Demurrage and Detention) costs? When and where does my container get released? Can I ship my own container and tanks? (wine/bulk liquids) What is Detention and Demurrage? Can I be certain there are containers available for my cargo? Why has the estimated time of departure or arrival for my shipment changed? How can I track my container to know when it will arrive? Can I be notified of the Gate-in of my shipment?Maersk.com 새 기능
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