Maersk ECO Delivery

Decarbonise Logistics.

Maersk ECO Delivery Air

Air transportation is known for its speed and reliability but is also the highest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting mode of transport per ton-mile. That’s why we are introducing Maersk ECO Delivery Air to support the decarbonisation of air transport.

Maersk ECO Delivery Air may be purchased along with your current or new airfreight service. The product is globally available in conjunction with any or all your air cargo transported by Maersk. Maersk ECO Delivery Air provides a way to abate GHG emissions from air transport through a book and claim model.

This service replaces fossil jet fuel with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) – a fuel made from renewable organic material. Its ease of adoption and certification makes it an excellent addition to your company’s decarbonisation strategy. The processes and methodology being used for ECO Delivery Air as well as the total numbers are verified by an independent third-party auditor.

Close-up of a turbofan engine of a parked aeroplane.

Key benefits of Maersk ECO Delivery Air

Low emissions trucking pictogram
Easy to reduce GHG emissions

Achieve well-to-wheel (WTW) CO2e savings of at least 65%.

Applying with us
Easy to apply

Choose your scope, including the lanes, cargo volumes and duration for all air freight services or commodities through Maersk.

Optimized pricing pictogram
Easy to start

Maintain your current contracted air freight pricing, with only a fixed annual premium per lane.

Customs pictogram
Easy to verify

Processes, methodology and total numbers are audited in accordance to ISAE 3000 and ISAE 3410 by independent auditors.

Get a Maersk ECO Delivery Air CO2e saving certificate

Evidence your decarbonisation efforts with the ECO Delivery Air certificate. Upon completion of the service, receive a Maersk ECO Delivery Air certificate for the CO2e emissions saved using SAF through a book and claim model.

Book and Claim chain of custody

Maersk ECO Delivery Air is based on a Book and Claim chain of custody model that uses Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). This means your cargo continues to move with the same Maersk preferred airline network as today, but the SAF is burned in selected airline networks, which may or may not be the same airline network that transports your cargo.

This allows you to purchase GHG emissions reductions for air transport in any of the lanes within the overall Maersk network, covering the agreed cargo weight of your booking.

Air cargo

Our standards

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings calculations are based on Global Logistics Emission Council (GLEC) methodology and are independently audited according to ISAE 3000 – Assurance Engagements other than audits or reviews of historical financial information and ISAE 3410 – Assurance Engagements on greenhouse gas statements.

The fuel used for Maersk ECO Delivery Air is second generation biofuel produced from waste and residues, ISCC or RSB certified, and follows the sustainability and GHG calculation principles set out in the RSB or ISCC requirements. The minimum GHG well-to-wheel (WTW) emission savings proposed by Maersk is in line with Article 25 of the EU (European Union) Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2001).

Given the nature of the Book and Claim product, Maersk recommends you liaise with your external verifiers to confirm the treatment of this product in your corporate emission inventory. The used methodology for ECO Delivery Air fulfils the requirements of the Science-Based Target initiative Aviation guidance for the sector. 

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ECO Delivery Air illustration

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