Get your cargo moving with Maersk Contract

Get space certainty and stable rates for your ocean volume needs – all year round.

Whether you need to make sure that production capabilities can be fully utilised or need to get time-sensitive goods into the right markets – with Maersk Contract, you can streamline your supply chain for the best flow. That’s more agility from the contract product setup, certainty from operations insights and reliability on delivery, anywhere across the globe.

Maersk Contract provides you with access to real-time data on all your ocean lanes with its Allocation Portal at This helps you to get insight into your volume availability, consumption data and more information that can help you optimise your contract utilisation.

To find out more about Maersk Contract and how it best meets your business needs, contact your Maersk sales representative.

Man signing on contract

Why choose Maersk Contract?

We offer you contract products that are best suited to meet your shipping requirements and reflect the changing needs of the business.

Portal document

Get clear agreements for your volume and cost with real-time visibility into your contract utilisation with the Allocation Portal.

Search pictogram

Choose the contract product that best meets your business needs and volume flows.

Lock pictogram

Rely on space certainty and dependable ocean transport to enable smooth supply chain operations.

A wider choice of contract products

With changing business needs, the demand for contracts that offer more specificity is required. To optimise our offerings that meet specific business requirements, Maersk Contracts have evolved to five distinct contract products. Each one offers reliability and certainty, regarding space availability on our vessels and transportation costs. They are differentiated by volume planning flexibility to meet supply chain operation and seasonal demands .

Maersk Contract Flat

Designed for stable ocean logistics needs, Maersk Contract Flat reserves space for your cargo following a set schedule. That’s a set number of containers per lane, every week at competitive rates. This contract is available for both dry and refrigerated cargo transport needs.

Maersk Contract Flat Illustrated graph

For dry cargo transport

Maersk Contract Seasonal Sync

Ideal for production driven supply chains that have a need to synchronise allocation with production fluctuations. With Maersk Contract Seasonal Sync we offer to purchase between 10 and 50% fluctuation freedom from the weekly baseline. This fluctuation freedom can be utilized via forecast until 2 weeks prior to departure .

Maersk Contract Seasonal Sync illustrated graph

Maersk Contract Seasonal Preset

Designed for import driven supply chains that have to deal with strong seasonality of known peaks and lows. Maersk Contract Seasonal Preset allows for pre-defined monthly volumes with weekly adjustments within the preset month until 2 weeks prior to departure.

Maersk Contract Seasonal Preset illustrated graph

For refrigerated cargo transport

Maersk Contract Reefer Sync

Ideal for refrigerated goods with known seasonal peaks and low volume deviations. With Reefer Sync, you can handle weekly fluctuations and delay or advance your season at a service fee. Giving you certainty of space at any time managing nature’s unpredictability with confidence.

Maersk Contract Reefer Sync illustrated graph

Note: All fluctuations and adjustments should not exceed the annual volume stipulated in each contract.

Maersk Freetime Extension

With Maersk Freetime Extension, you can add extra freetime to your shipment journey at the start of the booking and even when the shipment is in transit. This extends the number of days you can hold your cargo in our container beyond the agreed amount of freetime as per your contract.

A large group of stacked Maersk group containers at a port or terminal

Talk to your Maersk representative to get the contract that matches your business needs.


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Complete visibility with the Allocation Portal

The new Allocation Portal makes logistics easier at your end. The online platform gives you an overview of all your contracted routes with Maersk in real-time, 24/7. It provides complete visibility of space availability for your cargo and the volume consumed by your current bookings.

To access the allocation information on the portal, you will need to enable the ‘Allocation Manager’ role on

Please contact your Maersk sales representative to activate the feature.

Maersk Allocation portal

Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)

Should you have any immediate questions regarding Maersk Contract, please refer to our FAQs:

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