Premium Quality Containers

Give your cargo the extra protection it needs.

Your premier solution for safeguarding goods

Whether you're transporting valuable cargo or simply want to give your cargo an extra layer of security, Premium Quality Containers are the right choice. This extra layer of protection can be vital for your business to ensure that every shipment reaches its destination in the highest possible quality.

A side view of a Maersk premium container truck designed for safe and secure transport.

Why choose Premium Quality Containers?

Here's how choosing Premium Quality Containers can give your business an edge:

Reduce risk pictogram
Reduce risk
Minimise damages and contamination during transits.
Increase in efficiency
Enhance efficiency
Helps streamline operations and minimise disruptions 
Handshake pictogram
Build trust
Deliver pristine quality to customers every time

Get tailored solutions for your business needs

Our specialised containers can cater efficiently to different needs across industries.
Food illustration
Food and pharmaceuticals
Electronics illustration
Electronics and delicate goods
Delicate goods illustration
High-value cargo

Types of Premium Quality Containers

You can choose Premium Quality Containers that fit your specific requirements for shipping and freight.

M Grade Containers

Food Grade

Containers for shipping food and other delicate products. 
S Grade Containers pictogram

Premium Food Grade / Flexibag shipments 

Suitable for transporting bulk liquids securely.

How can you book a Premium Quality Container?

  • During the tender process, you can speak with your sales representative and choose a Premium Quality Container that will suit your requirements.
  • You can also select a Premium Quality Container at the booking stage. Alternatively, you can reach out to your customer experience representative for assistance during any step of the process.
Create account illustration

Our team of experts can help you out

Please get in touch with us to upgrade to Premium Quality Containers.
