Climate change

The world is facing a climate emergency. We see it as our obligation - as an industry leader and with the resources available to us - to do all we can to get to net zero operations as fast as possible and to help our customers decarbonise their global supply chain end to end.

Why action on climate change matters

As a key player in global logistics supply chains, which are responsible for 11%*of all global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Maersk is committed to leading the decarbonisation of logistics and taking responsibility for being a part of the solution. Our approach is guided by the recognition that climate-related risks, and government and market actions to mitigate such, will have an impact on how we operate.

*MIT research based on IEA data and Global Logistics Emissions Council guidance (read more).

Our race to net zero

In 2023, Maersk became the first in the shipping industry to have its 2030 and 2040 targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in alignment with a 1.5°C and net zero pathway.

Maersk's climate commitments

Foot note:

  • 1* Please refer to the Overall Net-Zero Target section for specific details on the science-based targets shown in this overview.
  • 2* Following the maritime sectoral framework, the sub-targets for maritime operations cover emissions from fuels across Scope 1 and 3 (well-to-wake). Well-to-wake emissions refer to the sum of upstream (well-to-tank) and downstream (tank-to-wake) emissions.
  • 3* Residual emissions will be neutralised through natural climate solutions in accordance with the Net Zero criteria of the Science Based Targets initiative.

Overall Net-Zero Target

Maersk commits to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain by 2040 from a 2022 base year.
* The target boundary includes biogenic land-related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.

Our ambition

We will deliver an emergency response to the climate crisis and take leadership in the transformation of the transport and logistics sector to climate neutral operations.
Climate change

Our new Science-based targets*

Aligned with a 1.5-degree pathway by 2030:
35% absolute reduction in total scope 1 emissions
100% renewable electricity sourcing
22% absolute reduction in total scope 3 emissions
Net Zero by 2040:
96% absolute reduction in total scope 1 and 2 emissions
90% absolute reduction in total scope 3 emissions

*The SBTi-validated targets are not directly connected to our current business segment sub-targets. They have a different baseline year (2022), reflecting that 2022 is a more representative baseline compared to the previous two years of pandemic and also enables us to take recent acquisitions into account in our baseline.

Highlights in 2023

Boat Pictogram
Laura Mærsk
The world’s first container vessel capable of running on green methanol arrives.
Record low 11.68 EEOI
Through more fuel-efficient operations and efficiency technologies, we lowed our emissions intensity from 13.0 in 2022 to 11.68 in 2023.
3% Ocean volumes transported with ECO Delivery Ocean
In 2023, over 683,000 tonnes GHG savings were achieved and around 3% of Maersk Ocean volumes are now transported with ECO Delivery Ocean.

Priorities and actions

Our response to climate change prioritises the decarbonisation of global supply chains. We focus on providing innovative green logistics solutions to our customers, building scale and momentum for the uptake of green fuels and technologies, and driving the creation of strong decarbonisation policies to drive change in this crucial decade.
Commitment to Sustainability

Growing the market for green solutions

Maersk ECO Delivery uses green fuels at sea, and we aim to include the entire logistics value chain soon. Our Emissions Dashboard empowers customers to measure their carbon footprint across both Maersk and non-Maersk controlled logistics.

Investing in green fuels and technologies

We currently invest in innovative new green fuels, vessels, battery technologies, electrical trucks, network planning software, information sharing technology, and many more areas where we see opportunities to decarbonise supply chains.
Decision Making

Stakeholder engagement targeting strong policies

A strong, global regulatory framework, with instruments that can rapidly and effectively reduce GHG emissions, is urgently required. We are working closely with regulators and other stakeholders to build robust policies that support the transition and induce decarbonisation across our sector.


Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2023

Maersk’s GHG emissions footprint 2023 (in 1,000 tonnes CO2e)

Performance 2023 Maersk's GHG emissions
Performance 2023
(2022: 82,877)
Maersk's GHG emissions
Total GHG emissions
Including scope 1, scope 2 (location-based), and scope 3 emissions.
Performance 2023
(2022: 34,453)
Maersk's GHG emissions
Scope 1 emissions – from fincially controlled own operation
Where 92% of the emissions come from our ocean operations related to fuel use.
Performance 2023
(2022: 444)
Maersk's GHG emissions
Scope 2 emissions – from generation of purchased electricity (location-based)
Where 56% of the emissions come from our terminals.
Performance 2023
(2022: 47,980)
Maersk's GHG emissions

Scope 3 emissions – created in the value chain as result of Maersk’s business activities
Including emissions from cargo transported under vessel sharing agreements and sourcing of marine fuels to third-party customers.

The main drivers of these emissions are:

  • 20,465(2022: 26,575) - Upstream transportation and distribution
  • 10,428 (2022: 8,799) - Use of sold product (incl. sale of marine fuels and reefer containers to 3rd parties)
  • 5,728 (2022: 3,248) - Purchased goods and services
  • 5,653 (2022: 5,949) - Fuel and energy related activities

Featured highlights and case stories

Laura Mærsk

A hallmark moment for Maersk - and the shipping industry - was the arrival this year of Laura Mærsk, the world’s first methanol-enabled container vessel. The 2,100 TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit container) feeder vessel completed its entire maiden voyage from South Korea to its name-giving ceremony in Copenhagen on green methanol.

In 2023 we expanded our portfolio of methanol-enabled vessels on order with six additional vessels with a capacity of 9,000 TEU each, to be delivered in 2026 and 2027. In 2024, we will begin taking delivery of the first 7 large container vessels, each with a capacity of 16,000 TEU.

In addition to new methanol-enabled vessels, Maersk also announced in 2023 our intentions to convert an existing 14,000 TEU vessel from a traditional diesel engine to a dual-fuel methanol engine. This first-of-its-kind project will help demonstrate that new builds are no longer the only pathway to decarbonisation.

Laura Maersk

Climate related riskks

2023 was another year of weather extremes that disrupted global economies and affected millions of people worldwide.

Our business and operational efficiency can be directly impacted by such incidents, for example the drought of the Panama Canal, which prompted us to perform operational adjustments to our shipping transits. This serves as a clear indication of the urgency of addressing the physical impacts of climate change.

We are further impacted by complex transition risks and opportunities that unfold on the journey towards a green and just transition. Our approach to working with climate-related risks and opportunities aims to ensure a comprehensive risk management and strategic approach as a foundation for climate-resilient investments.

Panama Canal

Regulatory drivers of climate progress

Regulation that creates a level playing field and encourages investments in vessels, fuel and infrastructure remains critical to achieving net zero supply chains.

In 2023, concrete progress continued through regional initiatives and globally with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and through forums like the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28).

Maersk is committed to conducting all our policy outreach in alignment with the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. We actively engage with policymakers and stakeholders to advocate for regulations and policies that support this crucial objective, ensuring our business strategies are in harmony with global mitigation efforts. Read more about our policies and positions here.

Laptop which shows a message called 'Climate change conference'

Sustainability Report 2023

Explore our progress on environmental, social and governance dimensions in our latest Sustainability Report.

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