International trade in Latin America

Looking to do business in Latin America? We do more than carry cargo. We support your supply chain from end to end to advance your ambitions and connect your company to new markets and customers.

Take your supply chain all the way in Latin America

With its strategic location, expanding economy, and growing consumer base, Latin America offers vast opportunities for businesses of all sizes that seek to broaden their operations and tap into new markets within the region and beyond. Seizing these opportunities is not without its share of challenges – and we’re here to help.

Access all the resources you need to service your supply chain from end to end, gather insights into local market trends, and meet some of the companies that found their path to success in Latin America.
Latin America

Keep up with the latest logistics trends in Latin America

Uncover the local news, insights, and trends that can help your business navigate the prospects and challenges of Latin America.

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Companies that transformed their supply chain

What does it take to make it in Latin America? Join our customers on their journey to strengthen their market position in the region and discover the end-to-end supply chain solutions behind their success.

We have chosen to work with Maersk because it gives us the confidence to have all operations in a one-stop shop: landside, maritime, air and LCL cargo

Janet Rendón
Logistics Manager , Manitoba

Contact us

Want to connect with us to talk about your options and needs in Latin America?

Select your country

Where do you want to take your business? Choose your country of interest and access local services, prices, routes, and other useful information.

Get in touch

Do you need more information – or are you ready to optimise your supply chain for new markets and customers in Latin America? Let us know below, and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours.

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Get in touch

Do you need more information – or are you ready to optimise your supply chain for new markets and customers in Latin America? Let us know below, and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours.

By completing this form, you confirm that you agree to the use of your personal data by Maersk as described in our Privacy Notification.

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Pronto para embarque?

Consulte fretes para novos embarques e tarifas terrestres.
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Encontre Rotas 1/2

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Consultas de vendas

Entre em contato conosco, e responderemos dentro de dois dias úteis.
Before you go…
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