Discover new paths to outsmart change

Create more responsive, resilient and sustainable lifestyle logistics.

Informed capacity planning, powered by automation

Without automation, managing peak season demand would not be possible.
The partnership between Macy’s and Maersk is a proven example where automation helped in creating the flexibility to take last-minute decisions during the peak of holiday rush.

A sustainable future for the lifestyle industry

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of environmental concerns and prefer brands that champion sustainability. Hence, catering to this consumer pool is now one of the biggest drivers of sustainability in the lifestyle sector, according to Josue Alzamora, Global Head of Lifestyle Vertical at Maersk. He also sheds light on how sustainability cannot transpire in isolation—brands that understand the importance of collaboration will be able to have a significant impact on the sustainability agenda.

Read our report, Maersk Fashionably Sustainable, for more on how fashion brands can best approach the idea of sustainable supply chains.

Unlock your omnichannel strategy

The fashion & lifestyle industry is going through a significant shift to keep up with its consumers’ evolving demands. Leading brands have started embracing the direct-to-consumer model, and to succeed, it is crucial to have a robust omnichannel strategy.

In this video, we explore why having the right supply chain partner is vital for your omnichannel strategy to be successful and how it can expand your direct-to-consumer business globally.

The era of a modern supply chain

The past two years have changed the landscape of the fashion & lifestyle industry, creating a massive shift in consumer expectations. The need of the hour is a seamless blend of the physical and digital worlds so that consumers’ evolving demands get addressed efficiently.

This calls for lifestyle & fashion brands to build a hybrid framework that can add agility, efficiency and responsiveness into their supply chains. Now is the time to modernise supply chains and stay future-ready.

Fashionably Sustainable

With the rise of the conscious consumer, sustainability is fast becoming a necessary component of all supply chains. However, fashion especially has received significantly more consumer and media attention around sustainability issues than other industries.

In this report, we speak with Kaisa Tikk, Senior Global Sustainability Advisor at Maersk, to examine how fashion brands can best approach the need for sustainability in their supply chains.

Maersk fashionably sustainable

Fashionably Resilient

With multiple sourcing locations, destination markets, and a growing number of sales channels, fashion supply chains are growing increasingly more complex. At the same time, COVID-19 has highlighted the critical need for more resilience, and in general, more flexibility.

In this report, we speak with Josue Alzamora, Global Head of the Lifestyle Vertical at Maersk, to examine the challenges and trends that fashion logistics is facing today and how businesses can increase the resilience and flexibility of their supply chains.

Maersk fashionably resilient

Rebalancing supply chains for an agile, resilient and sustainable future

If there’s one word that defines the conversation around supply chains in 2020, it’s risk. This year has been a wake-up call for many, either illuminating gaps we were unaware of, or making very clear which issues we have been putting on hold and failing to solve even though we knew there might be issues.

It's clear that we now have to deal with this risk head-on, as the COVID-19 crisis has shown that the leanness and efficiency we had reached in many supply chains have made many too brittle. In many cases, the savings achieved from this approach are overshadowed by the loss caused by disruption.

These disruptions are going to become more common, not less, meaning that although we will return to some baseline and will continue to produce in a globalised system, we will all have to provide further accountability to the risks. This white paper is specifically designed to help you do so.

Reuters report

Re-threading supply chains in the lifestyle industry

Supply chains in the lifestyle sector (which includes clothing, footwear, textiles, luxury and toys) were already under pressure prior to the 2019 coronavirus pandemic. Environmental sustainability, labour standards and technology adoption were among the internal challenges facing companies, but external headwinds were also complicating factors. Globalisation has been under threat, facing challenges in the form of the US-China trade war, Brexit, rising economic nationalism, and the crisis of the multilateral trade regime and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) itself.

Re-threading supply chains in the lifestyle industry

The changing shape of E-commerce Logistics

With millions of consumers switching online amidst stay-at-home measures and the forced closure of non-essential stores, lifestyle companies have had to pivot their logistics to meet the extraordinary rise in e-commerce demand. However, the impact of COVID-19 has made e-commerce logistics more complex than ever before with even the most established online lifestyle companies being pushed to the limit.

In this report that you can get access to below, we examine COVID-19’s impact on e-commerce logistics and interview Martin Holme, Maersk Global Head of Supply Chain Management and E-commerce Logistics and Christoph Stork, Maersk Global Managing Director of E-commerce Logistics to explore what it means for supply chains now, and in the future.

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