Discover new paths to optimisation in FMCG logistics

Integrated logistics keeps your FMCG supply chain resilient and responsive to market.

Opportunities and challenges in integrating sustainability into FMCG supply chains

At a time when sustainable solutions are the need of the hour, it is imperative for your FMCG supply chain to control its carbon emissions. Achieving visibility of supply chains is essential for implementation and monitoring of your sustainability metrics.

Read The Economist Impact report to find out how collaborating with your logistics partner can make your sustainability journey smoother.

Mother smiling at her two kids who are drinking a glass of juice

Ease sustainability into your FMCG supply chain

Today, sustainability has become a necessity due to increasing consumer demand, environmental concerns and regulations, making it critical that its role in the supply chain complements and not disrupts.

In an article titled ‘Ease sustainability into your FMCG supply chain’, we discuss easy-to-implement solutions that can further your vision for sustainability without overwhelming the day-to-day operations.

Easing sustainability into your supply chain without disruptions

Sustainability: Think zero-waste supply chains

Waste-minimisation is a key opportunity for supply chains that are exploring ways to reduce costs. Take a deeper look at how it directly affects supply chain profitability and efficiency, all the way from origin to destination.

Thinking sustainability? Think zero-waste supply chains

Barley to bottle: The changing world of the beer supply chain

Beer consumption patterns are changing around the world. Modern tastes and trends, and updated consumer habits brought on by the pandemic, are posing new challenges to companies as they attempt to capture an evolving and diversifying market.

In our latest article, we explain how integrated logistics solutions use data and technology to help create better visibility, transparency and efficiency in an otherwise complex global supply chain.

Barley to bottle: The changing world of the beer supply chain

FMCG supply chains: Improving visibility in an interconnected world

FMCG businesses are beginning to see their supply chains as enablers for growth. They also want to shift focus from lean operations to risk mitigation. For this, they need visibility across vulnerable points and supply chain stakeholders in real time, not just to keep an eye out for disruptions, but to improve efficiency, optimise inventory management, and increase speed to market. How can FMCG supply chains make this transition?

Improving visibility  in an interconnected world

Reaching China via a faster, more reliable route

Saving time on transits is a critical component to minimise operational costs. When a leading milk powder maker in Europe was looking for a faster and cost-efficient way to reach China, we were up for the challenge. Our experts designed a specialised intermodal solution enabling the customer to shorten transit time by almost half, with 95% reliability of on-time deliveries.

Find out more about our intercontinental rail solution here.

FMCG Milk Powder

The importance of visibility in FMCG supply chains

To keep up with the changing needs of their customers, FMCG businesses have leveraged their partnerships with logistics providers and focused on achieving real-time end-to-end visibility. The key ingredient here is technology. Innovations such as predictive analytics and machine learning help mitigate risks by identifying potential disruptions and allowing you to take better decisions quickly.

In this video, our experts discuss the current trends in the industry, challenges faced by FMCG businesses, and the importance of end-to-end supply chain visibility.

The role of end-to-end visibility in FMCG businesses | Maersk

The role of technology and innovation in FMCG supply chains

The year 2020 marked a significant growth in e-commerce for FMCG companies. Now, businesses like yours can directly engage with consumers to understand the dynamic market trends. This process is aided by innovations such as demand forecasting and predictive analysis.

Watch our experts Johanna Hainz, Former Global Head of FMCG, A.P. Moller - Maersk, and Tony Hotine, Global Head of 4PL, A.P. Moller - Maersk, talk about leveraging technology and innovation for the growth of FMCG businesses.

Transforming the FMCG supply chain

FMCG supply chains are complex. They are prone to unpredictable risks that could slow down business. To keep up with these contingencies, your supply chain needs to be smart, flexible and resilient.

Our experts Johanna Hainz, Global Head of FMCG and Retail, A.P. Moller - Maersk, and Tony Hotine, Global Head of 4PL, A.P. Moller - Maersk, share their observations on the must-haves of supply chain transformation for FMCG businesses.

Insights from Johanna Hainz, Global Head of FMCG and Retail, A.P. Moller - Maersk and Tony Hotine, Global Head of 4PL, A.P. Moller - Maersk about FMCG supply chain transformation

From fragmentation to synchronicity

As a fast-moving segment, the FMCG sector has always been quick to recalibrate its next steps whenever faced with changes. However, the past few years have thrown far too many curveballs, too fast. The dramatic shift in consumer preferences, uncertainty of the pandemic and geopolitical turbulence have together put tremendous pressure on their fragmented supply chains.

This report walks you through the major trends that are stirring up existing FMCG setups. It also shines a light on how to synchronise the disparate aspects of supply chains to gain visibility and resilience.

Fragmentation synchronicity

Moving from faster prediction to faster response in FMCG supply chains

Fast-moving consumer goods — at least some of them — have become emblematic for 2020.

If there was ever any doubt about the importance of resilient supply chains in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, one need only recall the expanse of empty shelves that had once held toilet paper or pasta at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. In March, in the UK alone, there was “more than £1bn worth of food stocked in people’s houses than there was three weeks ago", according to Helen Dickinson, chief executive officer of the British Retail Consortium.

Moving from faster prediction to faster response in FMCG supply chains

The 3 supply chain megatrends in FMCG

From sourcing, manufacturing and packaging to logistics and distribution – your supply chain has many moving parts. When we add external factors like consumer preferences, market regulations or even the weather, there are a plethora of components that can affect your logistics ecosystem.

Today, staying on top of the latest changes is more important than ever. Our logistics professionals have analysed these insights and come up with the three global megatrends for the industry in our e-book - ‘The 3 supply chain megatrends changing the face of FMCG logistics’.

The report details the experiences and learnings of Maersk experts across regions to help you understand the changing environment so that you can make decisions faster. Here’s your chance to see what the future of supply chain management looks like.

The future of the FMCG supply chain is already here.

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