Shipping to and from United States of America
Your complete guide to shipping to and from United States of America. Find the right route, get Maersk office locations, discover local solutions, payment options and more.
Local information
Maersk Go contact email id:
Import / Export related queries:
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Pasadena, TX, 77586
1515 E. Barbours Cut Boulevard
La Porte, TX 77571
8770 New Trails Dr, Ste 401
Woodlands, TX, 77381
Jacksonville, FL 32226
Long Beach, CA 90813
301 Mediterranean Way
Long Beach, CA 90802
Terminal Island, CA 90731
2500 Navy Way
Terminal Island, CA 90731
Miami, FL 33132
2299 Port Boulevard
Miami, FL 33132
Miramar, FL 33027
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
New York, NY 10003
United States
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
241 Calcutta Street
Newark, NJ 07114
Building 1210, Corbin Street
Port Elizabeth, NJ 07201
APM Terminal Port Elizabeth
Port Newark Container Terminal (PNCT)
Maher Terminal
Norfolk, VA 23505
Intersection of Cleveland St. and Lee Ave
Portsmouth, VA 23707
100 Virgina International Gateway Blvd.
Portsmouth, VA 23703
Norfolk International Terminal (NIT)
Portsmouth Marine Terminal (PMT)
Virginia International Gateway (VIG)
North Charleston, SC 29406
Philadelphia,PA 19148
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
4100 McIntosh Road
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Oxnard, CA 93033
Garden City, GA 31408
950 W River St
Savannah GA 31401
Tacoma, WA 98401-1837
1101 Port Of Tacoma Rd
Tacoma, WA 98421
Wilmington, DE 19801-5852
United States
With regular services from both the east and west coast of North America, we provide American businesses with a regular connection to our vast ocean fleet. From here, the rest of the world is just a short hop away.
With offices spread across the country, we do much more than just ocean transport. Our full inland services – incorporating rail, road and barges – ensures seamless connection to and from any inland location. So whatever your cargo or destination, we are here to help.
Useful information
Get up-to-data local information about holiday periods, charges, payment services, procedures and restrictions, and more.
While not a member of BASC, which is a program meant for port and terminal operators and shippers overseas, Maersk actively promotes this program by encouraging our suppliers and service providers to participate, and by co-sponsoring seminars with U.S. Customs and Border Protection at overseas locations to combat contraband smuggling.
For more information, visit the Business Anti-Smuggling Coalition (BASC) page.
While Maersk Inc. has an executable Business Continuity Plan (BCP), each event activating that plan is complex and dependent on the nature of the event. Due to the complexity, the need to be flexible and the proprietary nature of this information, we regret that we cannot release the details of our plan.
The main concerns reflected in the plans both here in North America and globally are the protection of the health and welfare of our colleagues and providing our customers with the best possible customer service during an event.
Cargo Claims Handling Process. Please follow the claims process outlined in the Claims guide. The guide was created to make the claims process as simple and efficient as possible.
Click below document to view the Claims guide
U.S. Customs and border protection's "C-TPAT" program
Customs Trade - Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a joint initiative between U.S. Customs & Border Protection and importers, terminal operators, carriers and others in the supply chain focusing on security procedures, physical security, personnel security, education and training awareness, cargo manifest security and conveyance security.
Maersk, Maersk Logistics, Maersk Customs Services, Inc. (Maersk Customs Services), APM Terminals and Bridge Terminal Transport Trucking became the first enterprise-wide transportation organization to complete the Customs validation process for the liner, logistics, terminals and trucking functions, conducted in the USA, Europe and Indonesia.
The benefits of Maersk’s participation in C-TPAT are twofold:
- A more secure supply chain for our customers
- Reduced inspections by Customs
Maersk SVI Numbers | Maersk | Maersk Logistics | APM Terminals | Bridge Terminal Transport | Maersk Customs Services |
Maersk SVI Numbers
Maersk Logistics
APM Terminals
Bridge Terminal Transport
Maersk Customs Services
C-TPAT Certificates
Please refer to the following link for additional information:
Maersk is also a member of PIP (Partners In Protection), a program thru Canadian Customs.
U.S. food and drug administration bioterrorism act of 2002 update
Maersk wishes to remind you of the FDA Prior Notice (PN) requirements for cargo transiting overland in the U.S.
The FDA will issue 'do not move' messages at the discharge port for any qualifying cargo which does not have Prior Notice (PN) filed.
Prior notice of imported food shipments:
- This PN (prior notice) is applicable to all cargo which is U.S. final delivery or cargo being transported in bond either between U.S. ports for transshipment or from/to Canada or Mexico (Transportation and Exportation cargo, called “T&E” cargo). Cargo being transshipped at the same port of discharge is not eligible.
- Prior notice (PN) may be sent by anyone who has full knowledge of shipment details and it may be sent from any global location. This is typically filed by the shipper, consignee or entities such as brokers and forwarders working on their behalf. Maersk will not be sending a PN on any shipments.
- The FDA is working with U.S. Customs and Border Protection to send A hold message in AMS if the PN is not supplied, for qualifying shipments, when the U.S. Customs entry is made or within the specified time-frame for T&E cargo.
- If cargo is put on hold by the FDA for lack of PN, it will be the responsibility of the cargo interests to contact the FDA and determine what FDA requires to satisfy the hold and trigger a release.
FDA has provided, on their website, a Help Desk which can be called, faxed or emailed to assist with Registration or Prior Notice questions or technical issues.
Please refer to the following FDA links for additional information:
U.S customs & border protection “10 + 2 Initiative”
In addition to the current data elements specified under the 24-Hour Rule, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) proposes to require an additional set of data elements 24 hours prior to vessel loading.
Ten data elements are to be submitted by importers or their agents by a yet to be determined system. Among the options being discussed are the AMS [Automated Manifest System], and ABI [Automated Broker Interface – a U.S. Customs Broker clearance system].
The following 10 data elements were selected because of their probative value and because of their ready availability in current logistics processes. They include:
- Manufacturer name and address
- Seller name and address
- Container stuffing location
- Consolidator name and address
- Buyer name and address
- “Ship to” name and address
- Importer of record number
- Consignee number
- Country of origin of the goods
- Commodity Harmonized Tariff Schedule number
In addition to the data elements outlined above, CBP will require ocean carriers to provide two additional data sets to complete the security filing:
Vessel stow plan
- Provided to U.S. Customs by the vessel operator after vessel leaves the last foreign port, before it arrives in U.S. This will allow CBP to check each container stowed on the vessel against the containers which have been manifested to meet the 24 hour rule to ensure all cargo has been reported.
- Stow plan
- Container status messages
Container status messages (CSM’s)
- Container movements from the time a container is associated with a U.S. booking, until container gates out for delivery.
For more information, visit the Security Filing (10+2) page.
Click below document to view local charges and fees
Maersk currently participates in the Super Carrier Initiative Program. Please note that one may not participate in both the Sea Carrier Initiative and Super Carrier programs. The Super Carrier program is conducted at a higher security level than the Sea Carrier Initiative.
Maersk is one of only 27 ocean carriers worldwide permitted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection to participate at this level.
For more information, visit the Carrier Intitiative Program page on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) website.
Maersk is committed to the provision of constant care and to the prevention of breaches of security associated with our operations. We rank security considerations equally with commercial and operational factors in the management of our operations.
In close co-operation with the responsible authorities, we take all measures necessary to maintain the highest security standards at all times in our organization, at our shore facilities as well as onboard our vessels, in order to provide the highest level of security for our customers and colleagues.
The Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) is to be issued to all persons requiring unescorted access to a regulated marine terminal or aboard a regulated vessel. This program is scheduled to begin the enrollment process at ten designated ports in March of 2007 with a completion date for all U.S. ports within 18 months.
Those affected include truck drivers, railroad engineers, and longshore workers, among others. Depending on the definition of "secure site," TWIC requirements could potentially affect some shipper employees, such as warehouse workers.
Transportation workers across all modes may be required to have the cards, which will use personal information to positively identify workers. Use of such hard-to-fake information and technology features such as holographic overlays are meant to make the credentials as close to tamper-proof as possible.
Although the card reader requirements are not being implemented at this time, the Coast Guard will institute periodic unannounced checks to confirm the identity of the holder of the TWIC.
These TWIC cards will not initially support biometric operations, but the TWIC cards will be functional with certain existing access control systems in use at ports today.
For more information, visit the Transportation Worker Identification Credential page on the Transportation Security Administration website.
Experience our new and enhanced cargo booking
Now with instant booking confirmation.
In our continuous effort to offer you a simpler and easier digital booking experience we are pleased to present to you our new booking solution on
You can now have your cargo booking request confirmed within seconds. In addition, you get greater visibility of sailing options with available vessel space, a list of depots with empty containers to choose from, and a choice of relevant value-added services. And you can now book from any device.