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Dive into our latest report, a collaborative effort with FT Longitude, as we uncover key insights from senior decision-makers across 500 global chemical companies. Explore the nuanced landscape of challenges and opportunities the chemical industry is facing and learn how the logistics sector can help chemical businesses tackle greenhouse gas emissions.

Procurement’s impact on chemical GHG emissions

New research in collaboration with FT Longitude uncovers a vital ally in GHG emissions reduction: procurement. With scope 3 emissions comprising 63% of total GHG output, closer collaboration with suppliers holds promise for significant reductions. Dive into our article for insights from 500 global chemical companies on how procurement can drive change.
procurement impact

Forging alliances to combat GHG emissions together

Amidst the pressing challenge of greenhouse gas emissions, chemical businesses are forging alliances with logistics providers and industry peers. Curious to know how collaboration is reshaping emission reduction strategies? Discover insights from our research with FT Longitude, surveying 500 chemical companies, and unlock valuable perspectives by reading the full article.
forging alliance

Reduce your greenhouse gas emissions impact with logistics solutions  

How can logistics solutions help chemical businesses reduce their impact on the environment? A recent study by FT Longitude and Maersk reveals that about two-thirds of the industry’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are Scope 3. This means that a large percentage of them are generated outside the core business operations. Read our article to find out how chemical businesses can help combat climate change with a focus on reducing Scope 3 emissions. 
climate change

Why cutting greenhouse gas emissions is good for business

Some leading chemical companies have realised that investments in greener operations can actually generate savings. However, a recent survey of over 500 chemical companies, conducted by FT Longitude and Maersk, reveals that only 20% of these businesses are aware of the fiscal benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our article reveals more facts.  

good profit

How to tackle supply chain emissions in the chemical industry 

Ever wondered how the chemical industry can tackle its Scope 3 emissions on the path to net zero? Join the conversation as Sean Kearns, Strategy Director at FT Longitude, hosts leaders from the chemical industry as they delve into strategies to navigate the critical journey towards net-zero GHG emissions.  
supply chain emisson

The key role of Maersk Lead Logistics with DG Assist in reducing landed costs in chemical supply chains

By increasing the safety levels of your Dangerous goods shipment and taking all precautions to avoid unfortunate incidents, you can achieve significant cost savings in your chemical supply chain. This also helps to build a higher level of trust with your customers, which in turn can benefit your business in the long run.
container in port

How Maersk Global Trade and Customs Consulting can help build cost-effective chemical supply chains

By optimising your customs strategy, you can stay ahead of dynamic global regulations and always stay compliant. This drives direct savings in your chemical supply chain and helps enhance the overall operational efficiency. Maersk’s customs experts can provide the right guidance to help your supply chain operate hassle-free across markets.
lady talking on phone

Build a chemical supply chain that can handle fluctuating demand with Maersk Flex Hub

Boosting bottom-line efficiency and enabling end-to-end flexibility in your chemical supply chain can be tricky when demand varies. But with Maersk Flex Hub, you can postpone deliveries as needed, hold your cargo for longer periods in our containers, position your goods closer to final market and even change your final delivery destination at will.
Maersk container

Maersk champions a new technology era for predictive logistics in the Chemical industry

While most other industries have already made strides in digitalisation and integration of cutting-edge technology into their supply chains, the  Chemical industry is yet to fully unlock its potential. Digital tools from Maersk will not just enable more confident decision-making for customers, it will also help build a more predictable, secure and climate-friendly future for chemical supply chains. 
farmer overlooking the farm

Navigating regulation and compliance in the chemical industry

To ensure safe and compliant handling of goods around the world, a trusted and transparent partnership between the chemical industry and their logistics providers is key. Our diverse team of experts makes Maersk the partner of choice to tackle these unique challenges. We will support the industry at every stage, so they can forge ahead with the development of new and innovative materials.
people working in laptop

A formula for sustainability, tailor-made for the chemical industry

The global chemical industry has shifted focus to reducing emissions for a sustainable future. At Maersk, we are committed to partnering with our chemical industry clients in achieving their sustainability goals through innovative supply chain solutions.

In one such collaboration, we equipped UPL, an Indian multinational agrochemical company, to significantly reduce their carbon footprint, waste generation and water consumption over the past few years. With a stake at both ends of the food value chain, UPL is committed to creating a sustainable agricultural network for everyone. Through Maersk ECO Delivery, we provided UPL with end-to-end integrated and sustainable logistic solutions and helped them meet their sustainability goals.

Watch the video to learn how Maersk became a key strategic partner in UPL’s growth story.

Renewing Maersk’s commitment to decarbonisation

To date, the chemical industry has primarily focused on reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions – production and operation emissions directly controlled by the company. Looking forward, it is clear that the industry is shifting focus to also include Scope 3 emissions that stem from company supply chains. To create a real impact in delivering a net-zero emissions future, the need to collaborate is crucial. Only then can we streamline supply chain journeys, identify areas where carbon emissions can be curtailed, and deploy efficient and sustainable products that can make a difference.

Maersk fossil fuel green ship

The building block of sustainable chemical supply chains

Chemical supply chains are highly complex thus making sustainability a difficult proposition to incorporate. Maersk Emissions Dashboard is a powerful digital tool that provides emissions data visibility across all carriers and transport modes. This has helped companies like Syngenta to set science-based emissions reduction targets and execute their decarbonisation goals - to lower their Scope 3 carbon emissions.

ECO Delivery

How did Aramco fuel their business with Maersk’s 4PL Solution?

Saudi Aramco, the world’s leading petrochemical company, have their supply chains distributed across the globe. Aramco wanted to cut through the complexity to be able to monitor their logistics seamlessly across their complete supply chain with greater control and end-to-end visibility. Their partnership with Maersk and implementation of our 4PL solution helped them to optimise inventory management across locations, gain critical business insight for faster decision making, achieve faster lead times to their key markets, and make corrective improvements with continuous performance monitoring.

Birds eye view that spans the world

Preparing your Chemicals business for the future

The pandemic has had a long-lasting effect on petrochemical supply chains. In order to move forward and overcome the volatility of 2020, it’s important to analyse what we as an industry have learnt from the year and what we’ll need to do in 2021 and beyond.

In the webinar “Future-proofing the Petrochemical Industry,” our experts, Henning Malmgren, Director, Chemical Logistics Middle East, Henrik Wretensjoe, Product Director, Ocean Contract Lead, Chemicals, and Jeffrey Ivinski, Global Product Manager, Tradelens, discuss a whitepaper about the learnings from the pandemic, challenges and trends in 2021, and also explore our e-bill of lading offering that will help you digitise your business.

Watch the video to learn more.

The impact of the pandemic on Chemical Supply Chains

Covid-19 has affected the chemical industry in unimaginable ways. Due to the border closures and restrictions placed in different parts of the world, our customers have had to find new ways to mitigate supply chains risks. With increased collaboration, innovative inventory solutions and global organisation, they have faced these challenges head-on.

We had put together a whitepaper in which our customers from the chemicals industry discuss the impact of the pandemic on their logistics and how they dealt with the changes. Discover more as Henning Malmgren, Director of Chemicals, Middle East, Maersk, presents some of the highlights in the latest chemicals VLOG.

VLOG with Henning Malmgren, Director of Chemicals, Middle East, Maersk

Lessons from the pandemic that are influencing strategy in 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted Chemicals supply chains in unexpected ways, highlighting new challenges for our customers. At the centre of every solution we provide are customer needs. That’s why we have quickly taken the first step towards understanding them, by interviewing them and learning about how they have been uniquely affected by this unwavering pandemic.

This whitepaper brings together the key themes from these interviews with added perspective from our regional colleagues, Chemicals team and market research. It uncovers the key areas of focus for Chemicals supply chains in 2021 including the need to accelerate digitalisation, as well as insight into how Maersk was able to adapt and keep customer businesses moving despite land border closures. We expect this white paper to act as a catalyst for conversations in the Chemicals industry that drive evolution in its best practices with respect to supply chain management and logistics services.

The chemical supply chain

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