Executive Summary

Fashion and lifestyle brands are at the brink of seeing a significant shift within their supply chains. A considerable part of this metamorphosis is a result of the rise of the conscious consumer. We understand that as brands, you might have several queries regarding the best practices for building a more sustainable supply chain, and that’s why we decided to take a deep dive into this matter.

In this report, we speak with Kaisa Tikk, Senior Global Sustainability Advisor at Maersk, to examine how fashion brands can best approach the need for sustainability in their supply chains.

What can you expect from this report?

  • Why you should prioritise sustainability
  • Challenges involved and how to overcome them
  • Available transport options for increased sustainability
  • Best practices to make supply chains more sustainable
  • Expert advice on becoming more environmentally minded
Josue Alzamora
Josue Alzamora
Responsable Global de Lifestyle Vertical

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