Maersk Spot

Um maneira simples e totalmente integrada de transportar suas mercadorias com cobertura marítima e terrestre em uma única reserva.

A experiência do Maersk Spot é descomplicada

Fazer reservas on-line com o Maersk Spot é fácil e pode ser feito a qualquer hora, de qualquer lugar. Toda a variedade de recursos está disponível em e no Maersk App.

Observação: Se já estiver cadastrado on-line no grupo Maersk (Maersk, Safmarine, MCC, Seago Line, ou Sealand), você só precisa fazer login em um de nossos portais com seu usuário e senha existentes. Como alternativa, veja como você pode se registrar on-line.

We find Maersk Spot very innovative and easy to use. Now we don't have to wait for rates, since with Maersk Spot we immediately see the available rates and departures. But really what I like the most is that there is a price difference between departure dates. This means that if you plan your business well you can generate savings, since almost always the further out you book the cheaper the price.

Silvio Gonzalez
Compañía Recicladora de Nicaragua S.A.

Maersk Spot has been a tool that has helped us navigate successfully in these difficult times not only because of the pandemic but also because of everything it has triggered in foreign trade negotiations. Maersk Spot is available 24 hours a day, gives us loading guarantee, equipment availability, and competitive rates allowing us to stay competitive in the market.

Leidy Rodriguez
Sales Manager, C.I ACA Aluminios

Frequently asked questions

Browse through some of our most raised questions on Maersk Spot. We hope they give you more clarity on how we help you ship your cargo with an easy online booking system, a fixed price and guaranteed loading.

Primeiros passos com o Maersk Spot

Reservas Online

Faça reservas com o Maersk Spot

Busque preços e faça suas reservas online com todos os benefícios do Maersk Spot.
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Consultas de vendas

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