Maersk Laura ship in an ocean

Sailings between Asia and Europe

With our new network, we are excited to offer our customers a wide range of benefits with similar Ocean geographical coverage as today.

Shipping from Asia to Europe

Asia to Europe includes Asia to North Europe and Asia to Mediterranean.

Asia – North Europe

  • Our upgraded Asia-Europe network offers more reliable and competitive transit times across key routes, through optimized loops, dedicated hubs and shuttle networks.
  • The network is sized for growth with flexible capacity to ensure we can consistently meet our customers' capacity requirements.
  • Best-in-class from North China and Korea into main destinations in Europe.
  • Multiple weekly connections from Asia to key Northern European ports including Bremerhaven, Rotterdam, and Hamburg, with expanded departure options from East and South China.
  • Swift connections on our dedicated shuttles from major European gateways to Belgium, Poland, and Scandinavia, offering more competitive transit times.

Asia – Mediterranean

  • Our improved Asia Mediterranean network provides an overall transit time reduction of 3 days for most corridors.
  • Multiple weekly connections from Asia to key Mediterranean gateways in Spain, Italy, the Adriatic and Turkey.
  • Valencia and Barcelona will experience improved transit times of 4 days on average.
  • North China and South Korea will enjoy at least 1 week of improved transit times by deploying dedicated and lean shuttle services.

Note: The network representation is subject to finalization including terminal berth windows.For service rotations, please refer to individual service maps.

Shipping from Europe to Asia

Europe to Asia includes North Europe to Asia and Mediterranean to Asia.

North Europe – Asia

  • Competitive weekly connections from major Northern European ports to Qingdao.
  • Multiple weekly departures from key Northern European ports and flexible scheduling to East and South China, including Shanghai, Ningbo and Yantian.
  • Extensive connections through Bremerhaven, Hamburg, and Rotterdam offer direct access to East China and Southeast Asia.
  • Competitive products from the UK to East China and Southeast Asia, with smooth transitions via Singapore and Tanjung Pelepas.

Mediterranean – Asia

  • Improved Mediterranean to Asia network provides an overall transit time reduction of around 3 days for most of corridors.
  • Weekly connectivity between key Mediterranean gateway ports including Spain, Italy, the Adriatic and Turkey into Asia.
  • Faster transit times and expanded coverage to East China.

Note: The network representation is subject to finalization including terminal berth windows.For service rotations, please refer to individual service maps.

Transit times for Asia to/from Europe

The transit times expected on selected corridors for Asia to/from Europe from Feb 2025 are as follows:

Services and service maps for Asia and Europe

Only the services within the Gemini Cooperation are displayed. Below route overview shows Country/Region and the Ports.

Shuttle maps

More networks around the world

Our new network will consist of 57 services. You can find more information on what each of the trades will look like below.

Contact us

If you need more information on the new cooperation, please contact our Sales or Customer Experience teams. They are standing by to help.

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