Over the weekend, the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) issued a mandate preventing any additional labor stoppages, including strikes or lockouts, during the arbitration process. Consequently, the strike notice issued by the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) to CN on August 23rd has been voided. CN and CPKC will adhere to the CIRB directive, and both companies have now resumed railway operations in Canada as of 00:01 ET on Monday, August 26, 2024.

Please see the latest updates from CN here and for CPKC here.

Delays can be expected as the rail partners work towards their respective recovery plans in restoring fluidity in the supply chain. Please keep in mind that the situation continues to be very fluid, and details are subject to change.

Rail update:


  • Rail operations resumed on Friday, August 23.
  • Import units that arrived at CN inland rail destinations before the work stoppage have been available for pickup as usual.


  • Rail operations resumed on Monday, August 26.
  • Export cargo has continued to be accepted at inland terminals; however, it may take time for these units to start moving as the rail network recovers.
  • Import units arrived at CPKC inland rail destinations before the work stoppage have been available for pickup as usual.

Ocean terminals:

  • Montreal Racine terminal is accepting empties as of Monday, August 26.
  • Ocean terminals are working closely with rail partners towards a speedy return to normal operations and fluidity.


Export Empty Containers

Detention freetime clock was paused on August 22, unless specific restrictions were in place sooner. With the restart of rail operations, the detention free clock will restart on August 27.

Import Empty Containers

Detention will be applicable where empty return depots were available.

Storage and Demurrage

Inland rails

  • Import Rail Cargo that arrived at the inland rail destination prior to work stoppage will be subject to rail storage and container demurrage, as the gates remained open for import cargo pickup.
  • Export Rail Cargo gated in at the origin rail ramp that is unable to move due to work stoppage and recovery delay will not be subject to storage, and demurrage at inland rails is not applicable for exports.

Ocean terminals

  • Vancouver, Prince Rupert and Fraser-Surrey
    Any charges assessed by the ocean terminal during work stoppage should be settled directly by the cargo owner with the terminal.
  • Montreal, Newark & Philadelphia
    Storage for rail cargo will be invoiced by Maersk on behalf of the terminal.

We encourage customers to arrange delivery of all available import cargo to assist in the recovery by minimizing congestion at the ports and rail ramps.

We will continue monitoring the situation and providing updates as needed.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about your shipments, please do not hesitate to contact your Maersk representative.

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